About Herd Recording

Across Tasmania and King Island, the services of experienced herd recording technicians are available to setup the equipment needed to collect milk samples for analysis by TasHerd.

The samples are collected by fitting temporary inline milk meters that will collect an accurate subsample of each cow's milk yield.

From this sample TasHerd calculates each cow's milk volume, fat and protein composition and somatic cell count to provide you with invaluable information to assist in the management of your herd.

Why Herd Record?

Improving the genetic merit of the herd, through culling low producers and choosing replacements from higher producing dams, has long been considered a key benefit of herd recording. Research and practical farm experience show that major gains come not only from improved genetic merit but also from improved management.

Increased Production

Dairy Australia estimates that average per cow production from farms that regularly herd record was more than 30 percent higher than those that do not.
Statistics provided in the 2014 Australian Dairy Herd Improvement Report show that herd recorded cows over the past year have produced 38% more than their non-herd recorded contemporaries. These gains are realised by being able to make better informed management decisions.

Cellcounts and Mastitis

High cell counts can cut payments from factories. Mastitis is easier to control when individual cow cell counts are known. It’s difficult to manage what you don’t measure. TasHerd’s Cell Count History Report and Cow Action List help farmers stay ahead of any problems and keep cell counts down.

Increased Income

More production per cow means more income per cow for herd testing farmers and their families. Milk companies pay farmers primarily for the protein and fat composition of their milk. Without knowing which animals are putting money in the bank, informed breeding and culling decisions are difficult to make. Incorrect decisions can be costly. Managing mastitis gives you more milk in the vat and more money in the bank. Countdown Downunder estimates the cost of an average clinical mastitis case to be around $230.

Easier Management

Data on each cow's production cuts down the guesswork when making culling and breeding decisions. Managing the bulk milk cell count is easier when you know the individual cow cell counts.

Continued Improvement

Results of better breeding and culling decisions last forever. The benefits from this season form the foundation of future seasons.

Contribute to the genetic progress of the national herd

Data from herd recording is used to compute Australian Breeding Values or ABVs. ABVs are a measure of an animal’s genetic merit and is a prediction of how the future progeny of the animal will perform compared with all other animals of that breed throughout Australia. The calculation is based on the performance of its current progeny (if any), the performance of its other relatives (if known) and its own performance (if it is a cow). The ABVs are an extremely valuable tool for dairy farmers allowing them to select bulls with genetic traits that will help achieve specific breeding objectives within their herd.