PregCheck30™ and Your Farming System

You can use PregCheck30 to obtain accurate pregnancy information for your particular calving pattern. The examples below show how PregCheck30 can be used in different situations.

How to incorporate PregCheck30 into your farming system

You can use PregCheck30 to obtain accurate pregnancy information for your particular calving pattern. The examples below show how PregCheck30 can be used in different situations.

1.  PregCheck30 is most useful when groups of cows for mating and calving are easily defined and identified.

2.  You can use PregCheck30 if calving is less defined. However, you need adequate mating records that identify cows at least 30 days post-mating.

3.  Because PAG levels are very high in late pregnancy, you can also use PregCheck30 with groups of cows prior to culling decisions to avoid culling pregnant cows thought to be empty - or drying-off empty cows thought to be pregnant. The new farmer sampling option offers a flexible and convenient way to do this.

Seasonal Calving Example

This example shows seasonal calving planned to commence mid-July and continue to the end of September. To achieve this, mating starts on 1 October and continues with AI for 8 weeks (followed by 4 weeks with bulls).

With this system a PregCheck30 test can be done at the following times:

1.  A PregCheck30 test mid to late November will pick up all cows over 30 days since the beginning of AI, ie those pregnant to the first round of AI.
2.  A PregCheck30 test mid-January will pick up those cows pregnant to the second round of AI.
3.  A PregCheck30 test mid to late February will pick up those cows pregnant to the bull.
4.  A final PregCheck30 test a couple of weeks prior to drying off can be done on any cows there is doubt about (the odd cow may have slipped etc)

All cows can be submitted for PregCheck30 testing and decisions can be made about:

•  culling cows found to be not pregnant
•  predicted calving dates calculated from mating records
•  drying off according to projected calving date

Once a cow has tested positive, she doesn't need to be rechecked.

Split Calving Example

This example shows an autumn group calving over four weeks in March that are mated from late May to late June.

It also shows a spring group that calves over 13 weeks in July, August and September with mating between late September and late December, split between a period of AI followed by mating to bulls.

For the Autumn calving group:

1.  A PregCheck30 test in early to mid-July will pick up the first round of AI pregnancies and give approximate dates for drying off estimations.
2.  A second PregCheck30 test mid to late August will pick up the rest of the cows pregnant to AI and also give approximate dates for drying off estimations.
3.  A final PregCheck30 test a few weeks prior to drying off can be done on any cows there is doubt about (the odd cow may have slipped etc).

For the Spring calving group:

1.  A PregCheck30 test mid to late November will pick up all cows over 30 days (and some as early as 28 days) since the beginning of AI, ie those pregnant to the first round of AI.
2.  A PregCheck30 test mid-January will pick up those cows pregnant to the second round of AI.
3.  A PregCheck30 test mid to late February will pick up those cows pregnant to the bull.
4.  A final PregCheck30 test a couple of weeks prior to drying off can be done on any cows there is doubt about.

This testing regime allows decisions to be made about:

•  drying off pregnant cows to prepare for re-calving in the autumn group (with projected calving dates calculated from mating records)
•  considering cows not in calf for culling, or milking through
•  allocating non-pregnant cows for mating with the spring calving group.

Herd Recording - The convenient option

Milk samples collected for routine herd recording can be used for pregnancy testing through TasHerd. This is how it works.

1.  Firstly, identify cows that are 30 days past their last known mating date (a minimum of 12* cows).
2.  Collect milk samples as part of your normal herd recording process – making sure there is no cross-contamination of samples.
3.  Clearly identify samples with your unique farm and cow IDs (as you normally do for the herd recording process).
4.  Inform TasHerd about which cows require PregCheck30 testing by writing 'PT' next to each cow's Id on your Input Sheet.
5.  TasHerd will perform the test in its lab and have the results back to you within 3 to 5 business days of receipt of your samples.
6.  Once you have your test results, you may contact us for free technical support if needed.

For true flexibility

Farmer Sampling is a convenient option if you do not herd test or if you need to test cows outside your herd recording periods.
Simply take milk samples yourself at any time and submit them for testing when you choose. You can submit a minimum of 12* cows for testing at any time. Here’s how it works:

1.  Once you are registered for farmer sampling, we will send you sample bottles in the post or you can get them directly from your TasHerd herd recorder.
2.  Select the cows (that are at least 35 days post-mating) you wish to test (a minimum of 12* cows).
3.  Take samples for milk pregnancy testing during milking (i.e. mid-milking samples). To do this, ‘break’ the line to one quarter for a moment and strip a few squirts onto the ground, then put around 30ml into the tubes provided. Do not collect milk samples for pregnancy testing before ‘cups-on’ or after ‘cups-off’. Only mid-milking samples will give accurate measurements.
4.  Clearly identify samples with your unique farm and cow IDs.
5.  Send the samples back to us in the express post pack provided or give them to your TasHerd herd recorder.
6.  You should receive your results within 3 to 5 business days - either by post or email (whatever you prefer).
7.  Once you have your test results, you are welcome to contact us for free technical support.

* Note that TasHerd will process less than 12 samples, but a minimum fee (equating to 12 samples) will be applied. In the event that we have other samples to test, we will pool your samples with them which will avoid the minimum fee.